Elanco predstavlja nov kratek izobraevalni animirani video o ketozi
(05.10.2022) Ketoza je obolenje, povezano z visokimi stroki1 in tevilnimi posledicami za zdravje2, dobrobit in proizvodnjo krav molznic.
S pravočasnim prepoznavanjem rizičnih dejavnikov za ketozo, kot so debele (BCS ≥3,5)3, stare (3+ laktacije)4 ali bolne krave5, in rednim kontroliranjem BHB v krvi3 ali mleku6, lahko pomagate rejcu vzdrevati zdravje črede, prepoznati hiperketonemijo in predpisati ustrezno preventivno zdravljenje.
Podrobneje informacije za strokovno javnost najdete na tej povezavi
Dodatne informacije:
Za dodatne informacije kontaktirajte predstavnike za veterino pri podjetju Salus, Veletrgovina, d.o.o.: 01 5899 232, [email protected]
1. Raboisson et al. (2015) The economic impact of subclinical ketosis at the farm level: Tackling the challenge of over-estimation due to multiple interactions, Prev Vet Med;122(4):417-25.
2. Ospina (2010) Association between the proportion of sampled transition cows with increased nonesterified fatty acids & ß-hydroxybutyrate and disease incidence, pregnancy rate & milk production at the herd level, J. Dairy Sci. 93:3595-3601.
3. Duffield (2000) Subclinical ketosis in lactating dairy cattle, Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim. Pract. 16: 231253.
4. Berge, C., Vertenten, G. (2014) A fi eld study to determine the prevalence, dairy herd management systems, and fresh cow clinical conditions associated with ketosis in western European dairy herds, J. Dairy Sci. 97:2145-2154.
5. Mulligan, F.J. (2012) A Herd Health Approach to Dairy Cow Nutrition and Production Diseases of the Transition and Early Lactation Dairy Cow, Proceedings of the 27th World Buiatrics Congress, Lisbon, Portugal. Pages 89-96.
6. Oetzel, G.R. (2004) Monitoring and testing dairy her ds for metabolic disease, Vet Clin FoodAnim. 20:651-674.