Animal Health Law: FVE welcomes its adoption

(13.03.2016) The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) welcomes the adoption of the EU Law on transmissible animal diseases, also called the Animal Health Law (AHL).

The AHL will be published in the EU Official Journal. It will then enter into force 20 days later and it will be applicable five years thereafter.

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) The text is the result of many years of careful preparation, both by the Commission’s DG SANTE, the European Council and by the European Parliament. FVE has worked in close collaboration with all important decision makers since the early start and is now proud to see the result.

FVE welcomes in particular, the provisions on farm animal health visits. The text stipulates that professional animal owners are to receive regular animal health visits from a veterinarian, for disease prevention, detection and biosecurity.

“This is a huge step forward,” commented FVE president Rafael Laguens, recalling that these visits “are the cornerstone of the ‘prevention is better than cure’ strategy and indispensable for the prevention and early detection of transmissible diseases.”

The veterinary profession has been given an active role to play in raising awareness of animal health and of ‘One Health’ – the interaction between animal health, animal welfare and public health.

Farmers and other animal owners will be required to apply the principles of good animal husbandry and the prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines.

The new AHL will also require all professional pet keepers and sellers to be registered and empowers the Commission to ask member states to set up national databases of dogs, cats and other pets, if need be.

Secondary legislation that will specify the working of the new AHL in greater detail will be developed and adopted. Since this secondary legislation will have great consequences for the final impact of the AHL, FVE calls for proper consultation of all stakeholders.

Moreover in the perspective of the implementation of the AHL FVE calls for a practical communication plan that will assure a good understanding and actual commitment of all stakeholders.

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MSD Animal Health in FVE zagotavljata 34 štipendij v višini 5.000 ameriških dolarjev za študente veterine - prijave so odprte do 30. oktobra!
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