XI. Simpozij zdruenja veterinarjev za male ivali Srbije - SIVEMAP 2014
(08.09.2014) Zdruenje veterinarjev za male ivali Srbije vljudno vabi vse kolege, da se jim pridruite tudi na letonjem simpoziju, ki se bo odvijal od 2. do 5. oktobra 2014 v Beogradu.
Predavanja se bodo odvijala v prostorih Crowne Plaza Hotel, ki se nahaja na naslovu Vladimira Popovića 10, Beograd, Srbija.Predavatelji in njihovi naslovi predavanj na letonjem simpoziju:
Norin Chai (Francija) veterinarska medicina eksotičnih ljubljenčkov
Anesthesia of Exotics and wild animals
Bacterial diseases in exotic animals
Approaching surgery in exotic animals
Lucia Panakova (Avstrija) dermatologija
Approach to the patient with seborea (dog and cat)
Approach to the patient with alopecia (dog and cat)
What should we know of demodicosis in 2014?
What should we know of dermatophytosis in 2014?
Pyoderma in 2014
Non infectious inflammatory alopecia (AA, autoimmune folliculitis, sebadenitis, vasculopathy and ischemic dermatosis)
Noninflammatory alopecia (CDA, black hair follicular dysplasia, pattern baldness) in the dog and cat
Noninflammatory endocrine alopecia in the dog (approach, but not treatment)
Alain Fontbone (Francija) reprodukcija
Clinical cases using Aglepristone - Alizin
Clinical cases using Deslorelin - Suprelorin
Rob Foale (Velika Britanija) - onkologija
Where are we now in the diagnosis and management of canine mast cell tumours?
Thoracic neoplasia - what could it be and what should we do?
Whats new in the management of canine lymphoma?
Tumours of the urinary tract - medics and surgeons working together
Who needs surgeons? Medical options for the management of malignant melanoma
A practical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of canine leukaemia
Federico Corletto (Velika Britanija) anesteziologija
Anaesthesia and perianaesthetic care in animals with airways problems
Anaesthesia and diagnostic imaging
Anaesthesia in animals with compromised renal function
Assessment and stabilisation of polytrauma patients
Perioperative management of septic animals
Monitoring during anaesthesia
Balasz Sladovitz (Velika Britanija) hematologija in klinična patologija
Bone marrow
Fluid analysis
Hematology - blood smear examination
Reliability of hematology data
Leukocyte changes
Interactive clinical cases
Zgodnje prijave za simpozij sprejemajo e do 25. septembra 2014, registrirate se lahko preko spletnega naslova [email protected], kamor je potrebno sporočiti ime in priimek, mail in telefon, veterinarsko organizacijo in tevilko licence če jo imate.
Kotizacije v lokalni valuti srbski dinar:
Predstavniki SASAP se veselijo ponovnega srečanja z vami v Beogradu!