EJCAP Winter issue 2014: Rabbit anaesthesia made easy

(19.12.2014) Rabbit anaesthesia, tricky business? Not if you know how. In the winter issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, Yvonne van Zeeland and Nico Schoemaker provide practical tips and advice on the preparation, induction and maintenance of rabbit anaesthesia.

The issue also features highlights and interviews of the One Health Conference, held in London, organised by the Bella Moss foundation.

The interactive CPD journal contains the usual wealth of videos (e.g. measuring the capillary refill time in rabbits), quizzes (test your knowledge on GVD and prophylactic gastropexy), downloads (commonly used drugs in rabbit anaesthesia) and tips (improving your consultation technique).

In this issue

Free interactive CPD – at your fingertips

The issue also contains book reviews, a downloadable Q&A document on travelling pets in the EU, a slideshow of the EuroCongress in Munich, the FECAVA stray dog position paper… and more!

EJCAP, also available in Russian, is open access for all veterinary practitioners, students and nurses in Europe and beyond, and is compatible for tablets.

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