Najbolj strupenega pajka na svetu sestavljajo tri vrste
ABCD & Boehringer Ingelheim vabita k prijavi na natečaj Young Scientist Award 2025 Novogel
ABCD & Boehringer Ingelheim vabita k…
Ponovni razmislek o upravljanju populacij v živalskih vrtovih
Zoo Karlsruhe/Timo Deible
Klinični primer: Leopardji gekon s postovulatorno retencijo jajca
Helene Widmann
Nove smernice o presaditvi blata pri malih živalih
Thomas Zimmel/VET-MAGAZIN
Nove smernice o presaditvi blata pri…
Sloni se po več letih spomnijo svojega skrbnika
Luise Kränzlin/AG Böhmer, Uni Kiel
Sloni se po več letih spomnijo…
Veliki klopi se prenasajo iz Hrvaške v Avstrijo
Adam Cuerden via Wikimedia Commons
Ptičja gripa pri govedu: razmnoževanje virusa H5N1 je omejeno na vime
Thomas Zimmel/VET-MAGAZIN

European Journal of Companion Animal Practitioners (EJCAP)

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EJCAP Pomlad 2017: Rehabilitacija domačih ljubljenčkov

EJCAP Pomlad 2017: Rehabilitacija domačih ljubljenčkov

Od hidroterapije do elektroterapije in od laserskega zdravljenja do hladnih obkladkov - obseg fizikalne terapije za pomoč pri zdravljenju in rehabilitaciji naših pacientov je širok

Zimska številka EJCAP 2016: Letni obnovitveni odmerki zastareli?

Zimska številka EJCAP 2016: Letni obnovitveni odmerki zastareli?

Mnoga leta so vsakoletni poživitveni odmerki spadali med rutinske potopke. Sedaj so na preizkušnji

EJCAP Summer 2016: Innocent heart murmurs in puppies

EJCAP Summer 2016: Innocent heart murmurs in puppies

Identifying innocent heart murmurs in puppies is explained in a paper by veterinary cardiologist Viktor Szatmári and colleagues in the Spring issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice (EJCAP), out now

EJCAP Winter 2015: Atopy in dogs and cats

EJCAP Winter 2015: Atopy in dogs and cats

Diagnosis of canine atopy (Patrick Hensel et al.), description of seasonal or recurrent flank alopecia (Sophie Vandenabeele et al.) and an audio presentation by Danny Scott on feline atopy

EJCAP Autumn 2015: Special issue on geriatric feline care

EJCAP Autumn 2015: Special issue on geriatric feline care

This year´s special issue of EJCAP Online focuses on the veterinary care of our elderly feline patients, and includes papers on geriatric feline care (Sarah Caney), excessive vocalisation (Danièlle Gunn-Moore) and the early detection of chronic kidney disease in cats (Dominique Paepe)

EJCAP Summer 2015

EJCAP Summer 2015 issue out now

No need for fancy toys or a specialist degree: in the EJCAP Summer 2015 issue, Robyn Jarrett and colleagues describe an easy, practical technique to treat nasal squamous cell carcinoma in cats, using diathermy and curettage

EJCAP Spring issue 2015

EJCAP Spring issue 2015: “Can I catch it from my pet?”

What´s the risk for owners if pets have influenza, toxoplasma or cryptosporidium? Mike Lappin and Thomas Vahlenkamp, two speakers at the 2015 FECAVA Symposium present the evidence, with practical tips on management.

EJCAP Winter issue 2014: Rabbit anaesthesia

EJCAP Winter issue 2014: Rabbit anaesthesia made easy

Rabbit anaesthesia, tricky business? Not if you know how. In the winter issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, Yvonne van Zeeland and Nico Schoemaker provide practical tips and advice on the preparation, induction and maintenance of rabbit anaesthesia.

EJCAP Special issue 2014: Calm pets, happy vets

EJCAP Special issue 2014: Calm pets, happy vets

How can you turn a snarling, snappy dog in your consultation into a well-behaved patient? Changing the mindset of dogs and counterconditioning are the key words in Sophia Yin´s paper on Reducing stress and fear aggression in the clinic

EJCAP Spring 2014: Mast cell tumours

EJCAP Spring 2014: Mast cell tumours

What is the best diagnostic approach to a suspicious mass? How should the lab report be interpreted and which therapy is best? These and other questions are discussed by Laura Blackwood in her update on mast cell tumours, in the Spring 2014 issue of EJCAP

EJCAP Winter 2013

EJCAP Winter 2013: Responsible use of antibiotics

Should I use antibiotics in this dog? And if yes, how do I choose the most suitable one? What can I do to reduce the risk of MRSA? These and other topics were discussed at the FECAVA Symposium on Antimicrobial resistance during the Dublin EuroCongress, and now feature in the 2013 Winter issue of EJCAP

EJCAP Pomlad 2013

EJCAP Pomlad 2013

Letošnja pomladna izdaja revije EJCAP (European Journal of Companion Animal Practitioners) je že na voljo na spletu

EJCAP na spletu: posebna izdaja o diagnostični radiologiji

EJCAP na spletu: posebna izdaja o diagnostični radiologiji

Prva posebna spletna izdaja publikacije European Journal of Companion Animal Practitioners (EJCAP) je že objavljena. Izvod je posvečen diagnostični radiologiji, tematiki, ki je posebej primerna za spletno izobraževanje


Sum na bolezen modrikastega jezika v Sloveniji
Thomas Zimmel/VET-MAGAZIN
Veterinarstvo Eisner d.o.o. zaposli veterinarja/veterinarko
Portus Congress Center, Hotel Slovenija
Zm05gamer via Wikimedia Commons
Thomas Zimmel/VET-MAGAZIN
SZVMŽ vabi na spletni seminar 'VETgirl'

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Werbung via Google
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ABCD & Boehringer Ingelheim vabita k…
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