Clare Rusbridge and Julia Palm receive 2014 FECAVA award

(25.11.2014) Clare Rusbridge (UK) and Julia Palm (Germany) received the 2014 FECAVA awards, for best original and best reprint paper, respectively.

The awards were presented during the opening ceremony of the 20th congress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA), held in Munich earlier this month.

Clare Rusbridge received her award for her paper “Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia”, published in the special issue on hereditary diseases of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice (Volume 23(3) 2013, pp 70-89).

Clare Rusbridge (at right), recipient of the 2014 FECAVA award for best original paper, flanked by Monique Megens (FECAVA president) and Karin de Lange (EJCAP Editor).

Clare has published extensively on syringomyelia and continues her clinical research into the genetics, management and pathogenesis of the condition.

She is a European diplomate in veterinary neurology and currently divides her time between the positions of Chief of Neurology at a large referral hospital (Fitzpatrick Referrals) in Godalming and Reader in Veterinary Neurology at the University of Surrey.

Julia Palm received the award for her paper “The clinical use of deslorelin acetate (Suprelorin®) in companion animal medicine”, also on behalf of her co-authors Orsolya Balogh and Iris Reichler (University of Zurich).

Julia Palm (at right), recipient of the 2014 FECAVA award for best reprint paper, flanked by Monique Megens (FECAVA president) and Karin de Lange (EJCAP Editor)

The paper was published in the summer issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice (Volume 23(2) 2013, pp 28-32), and originally appeared in the Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde.

A graduate of the Freie Universität Berlin, Julia defended her thesis on the use of deslorelin acetate at the Vetsuisse faculty of the University of Zurich. She currently works at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena (Germany) as a researcher in veterinary medical ethics.

Both papers can be accessed via the FECAVA website, for an interactive presentation as well as a pdf download.

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