Predavanja in delavnice s področja interne medicine v Beogradu
(28.05.2018) Med 29. in 31. avgustome se lahko v Beogradu udeleite izobraevanja INTERNAL MEDICINE - Problem oriented approach.
Predavatelji:Federico Fracassi, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVIM-CA (internal medicine)
Fabio Procoli, DVM, MVetMed, Dip. ACVIM, Dip. ECVIM, MRCVS
Goran Cvetković, DVM, MBA
29.8.201808:00 09:15 Registration
09:15 09:30 Introduction
09:30 10:45 Problem oriented approach: the steps that follow history taking and physical examination (F.F.)
10:45 11:30 How to use and maximize scientific sources (F.F.)
11:30 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 13:00 Interactive section: Journal club (F.P.)
13:00 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 14:30 Veterinary management (G.C.)
14:30 15:15 Approach to the patient with regurgitation (F.P.)
15:15 16:00 Approach to the patient with vomiting (F.P.)
16:00 16:45 Diagnostic approach to acute diarrhea (F.P.)
16:45 17:15 Coffee break
17:15 18:30 Problem solving: discussion of clinical cases in small groups
09:00 09:45 Diagnostic approach to chronic diarrhea (F.P.)
09:45 10:30 Approach to the patient with icterus (F.F.)
10:30 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 11:45 Hyperthermia and fever of unknown origin: from the clinical case to the diagnosis (F.P.)
11:45 12:15 Approach to the patient with pale mucous memabranes (F.P.)
12:15 13:00 Interactive clinical cases (F.F.)
13:00 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 14:30 Veterinary management (G.C.)
14:30 15:15 Petechia and ecchymosis through the discussion of clinical cases ( part 1) (F.F.)
15:15 16:15 Petechia and ecchymosis through the discussion of clinical cases ( part 2) (F.F.)
16:15 16:45 Coffee break
16:45 17:30 Interactive clinical cases (F.P.)
17:30 18:45 Problem solving: discussion of clinical cases in small groups
09:00 09:45 Clinical and diagnostic approach to the patient with cough (F.P.)
09:45 10:30 Clinical approach to dyspnea (F.P.)
10:30 11:15 Interactive clinical cases (F.P.)
11:15 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 12:30 Polyuria and Polidipsia: from the theory to the clinical case (F.F.)
12:30 13:00 Interactive clinical cases (F.F.)
13:00 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 14:30 Veterinary management (G.C.)
14:30 15:15 Increase in volume of the abdomen / ascites: clinical cases (F.F.)
15:15 17:30 Problem solving: discussion of clinical cases in small groups
17:30 18:00 End of the course and final discussion
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